springtime in the garden
Hi folks! It’s been a busy couple of months. With work, wild weather, treatments and working in the garden. I’m finally able to take a minute and get you all caught up. The last few months have been nothing but short of crazy. Work has been busy..we just finished up our Spring Antique Show…wow what a turn out. I think everyone was ready to get out and about. The weather threw all of us for loop. I lost quite a few plants during the big freeze. It took awhile to get all that cleaned up and re-planted. I’ve had to have a few radiation treatments. I knew these were coming at some point…they are part of my maintenance plan. And now the fun part. The Spring Garden!
tomatoes on the vine
I like to plant tomatoes two ways. Seeds and transplants. I start the seeds as early as possible usually in late January. I get tomato plants from a local nursery. That way I have a mix of both. As you can see starting early allows me to have tomatoes on the vine very early. See what I mean.
garden treasure
Dill! Yes dill….this is one treasure I dedicate a whole bed to. Once the cucumbers start coming in and it’s time to put them up dill is my go to for canning those garden gems. I love to freeze it and I plant it several times throughout the growing season…seeds are the best way to plant them.
pepper time
Another of my favorite things to plant is peppers and they are very easy to grow. I plant lots of different varieties. Jalapeño, bell, sweet banana and last year I found ancho and those have become some of my favorites. I usually use transplants….and I plant them at the same time as the tomatoes. I like to get a head start. Check these out…ready to pick.
salad mix
I plant a salad section in the garden. I have lettuce and spinach growing at all times. It’s nice to walk outside and fill a bowl up. Just add a few other ingredients and you have a salad.
see you in the garden
Time for me to go check on the garden. Get out there and get your hands dirty. You will find it’s not that hard to do. You can plant a container garden if you have limited space and time. Just get out there! See you in the garden!
Talk soon,
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